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Monthly Newsletter

May 2024

Supporting Families Through Alcohol-Involved Divorce: How Technology Can Help Ensure Child Safety

Written by Chris Beck  |

Children of parents who are going through an alcohol-involved divorce rely on family law professionals as one of their first lines of defense and support. These professionals serve not just as interpreters of the law but as crucial protectors of the children's emotional and psychological well-being. In such challenging circumstances, where the stakes are extraordinarily high, the role of these advocates is so important to help ensure a secure and stable environment for healing. Technology like remote alcohol monitoring supports family law professionals’ work by providing reliable tools to monitor and ensure safety effectively.

The Role of Technology in Protecting Children

Families and children who are affected by alcohol issues face a unique array of challenges that can be emotionally and physically draining. Unfortunately, children are sometimes left with the burden of reporting on a parent’s sobriety. In these situations, Family Law Professionals can help by recommending alcohol monitoring technology that serves as an unbiased guardian, shielding children from the adult responsibilities of monitoring their parents. Alcohol monitoring tools provide a structured, reliable means for parents to demonstrate their commitment to sobriety, thus maintaining a safe environment for their children.


Services Funded in April 2024

We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported KidSide this year! Your generosity has been the driving force behind our mission to assist children in need, and we're excited to announce that your contributions have significantly enhanced the services we've delivered in 2024.

Thanks to your donations, we've been able to create meaningful change and offer hope for better futures to countless individuals. Your kindness and compassion are a constant source of inspiration, and we are immensely thankful for your unwavering dedication to improving the lives of children.

Together, we are forging a brighter tomorrow, one family at a time.


Parent Testimonial

The testimonial below is from a woman who received individual therapy sessions paid for by KidSide:

I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for the invaluable support and guidance KidSide has afforded me the ability to receive. When I was initially ordered by the court to attend therapy, I was apprehensive and unsure of what to expect. However, the professionalism of my therapist, empathy, and expertise she provided quickly put me at ease. 

I appreciate KidSide's commitment to my well-being and the willingness to fund my ongoing court ordered sessions to address my specific needs and goals. I will forever cherish the dedication, compassion, and unwavering support throughout this journey.

Thank you, KidSide, for helping to fund such a wonderful therapist for me!


Recognizing Our Friendship Circle

Thanks to our Friendship Circle, KidSide is are able to fund free therapy to families in need. No child should be on a waiting list to see their parent or to receive counseling services due to financial difficulties. KidSide is funding fully licensed professionals to provide these services.

The KidSide Friendship Circle program provides recognition to those who donate annually to KidSide. Donations of any amount are appreciated and will help us support the work of KidSide. For annual gifts of $2,500 and higher, please see our KidSide Partner Program.


Thank You KidSide Partners

Diamond ($25,000+)

Gold ($10,000-$19,999)

Silver ($5,000-$9,999)

Bronze ($2,500-$4,999)

Make a difference in your community today. Join KidSide as a partner and get recognized in the KidSide newsletter and on social media, plus other fantastic benefits.

Thank you to all of our existing partners for their continued support of KidSide.


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